Getting started


You can install the most recent stable version of George using PyPI or the development version from GitHub.


Whichever method you choose, you’ll need to make sure that you first have Eigen installed. On Debian-based Linux distributions:

sudo apt-get install libeigen3-dev

On Mac:

brew install eigen


Chances are high that George won’t work on Windows right now because it hasn’t been tested at all but feel free to try it out at your own risk!

You’ll also need a working scientific Python installation (including NumPy and SciPy). I recommend the Anaconda distribution if you don’t already have your own opinions.

Stable Version

The simplest way to install the most recent stable version of George is using pip:

pip install george

If you installed Eigen in a strange place, specify that location by running (sorry to say that it’s pretty freaking ugly):

pip install george \
    --global-option=build_ext \

Development Version

To get the source for the development version, clone the git repository and checkout the required HODLR submodule:

git clone
cd george
git submodule init
git submodule update

Then, install the package by running the following command:

python install

If installed Eigen in a non-standard location, you can specify the correct path using the install command:

python build_ext -I/path/to/eigen3 install


To run the unit tests, install nose and then execute:

nosetests -v george.testing

All of the tests should (of course) pass. If any of the tests don’t pass and if you can’t sort out why, open an issue on GitHub.


Take a look at A gentle introduction to Gaussian Process Regression to get started and then check out the other tutorials for some more advanced usage examples.