Removing large files from git history


The original gist can be found at:

Cleaning the vplanet repo

Most of what we need to know is here. First we download BFG and create the alias

alias bfg='java -jar bfg-1.13.0.jar'

Note that we need the latest version of the Java Runtime Environment installed.

Let’s create a mirror (bare clone) of the bitbucket repo:

git clone --mirror

This might take a while! Our repo is pretty big. When that’s done, cd into vplanet.git. I found that I had to run

git gc

before doing anything else to force git to re-index the repo. Now we can run the commands described in the examples here. For instance, to remove all files larger than 100 MB from the history, cd out of the repository and run

bfg --strip-blobs-bigger-than 100M vplanet.git

All this did was to flag the offending files – nothing was deleted. You can check the logs to ensure that nothing bad happened. Once you’re happy, run

cd vplanet.git
$ git reflog expire --expire=now --all && git gc --prune=now --aggressive

and then, the super dangerous and final step,

git push